As we look forward to 2021 with the restart of senior football, the strength of our juniors and the plans for the new Club House Redevelopment-there’s exciting times ahead both on and off the field for the Waikerie Magpies!
There’s no better time than now to get behind the Waikerie Football Club.
As they say “Many hands make light work”. The volunteers who drive the off field success, works hand in hand with our players who pull on those black and white guernseys each week and together we continue to be a force like no other in Riverland football.
Come and join us and be a part of something special.
Nominations are invited to fill vacancies as directors of the board.
1. Tim Bevan
2. Jacki Venning
Retire in accordance with the Article of Assoc but are eligible for re-election.
Tim Bevan has offered to stand for re-election.
Nominations need to be in writing by November 10th, 2020. Forms are available by emailing or on request from Walk On Water.
Show your support and come along to the 2020 WFC AGM and hear first hand where the Club House Redevelopment is at! Thursday November 12th at 7pm
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